EXTENDED!!! Now Hiring: Ice, Referee and Tournament Convenors, News (Saugeen Valley Minor Hockey)

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May 29, 2023 | Erin Schreinert | 493 views
EXTENDED!!! Now Hiring: Ice, Referee and Tournament Convenors
SVMH is now accepting applications for Ice, Referee and Tournament Convenors for the 2023-24 season. Ice and Referee positions will be compensated $1500 each. Tournament Convenor position payment TBD.

Please note, shadowing with the previous ice scheduler is available

Please send your notice of interest and any pertinent personal details at [email protected] by midnight on June 23rd, 2023.

Ice Convenor shall;

- Assess the ice requirements for the Association and shall enter negotiation with the Municipalities to meet these needs

- Apportion the ice and times in a fair and equitable manner

- Work with the Board in determining the ice budget

- Present a report regarding Ice Scheduling to the Board

- Recommend policy to the Board regarding Ice Scheduling

- Review invoices for ice time

Referee Convenor shall;

- Ensure there are enough referees in place to officiate all games

- Liaison with the Coach Coordinators to estimate fees for the upcoming year

- Liaison with the Treasurer to ensure all Officials are reimbursed accordingly

- Ensure refereeing complaints are addressed and solved in a timely fashion

- Schedule referees

- Provide monthly financial report to board

-provide mentorship to junior referee’s

Tournament Convenor shall;

- Organizer for all tournaments hosted by SVMHA

- Provide monthly financial report to board

- Chair the tournament committee

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Demin Bar
Silver Sponsor
Northline Service and Repair
Bronze Sponsor
Great Lakes Tree Experts
Bronze Sponsor
John Ernewein Limited
Gold Sponsor