We are currently searching for a new
Ice Manager to take over this position from our current manager. This position with have a transitional period with our current manager for her to train the
successful applicant. A few details on this position.
Ice Manager: The Ice Manager shall;
i) Assess the ice requirements for the Association and shall enter negotiation with the
Municipalities to meet these needs;
ii) Apportion the ice and times in a fair and equitable manner;
iii) Work with the Board in determining the ice budget;
iv) Present a report regarding Ice Scheduling to the Board;
v) Recommend policy to the Board regarding Ice Scheduling;
vi) Review invoices for ice time
We note the position of Ice Manager is a
staff paid position.
If you are looking for an opportunity to be involved within minor hockey this may be a good fit. Any interested applicants please email our Secretary at
[email protected] with your interest!
Thanks you